
Monday, 27 October 2008

Reminder: The Boy Who Cried "Wolf" Got Eaten

Parents and children will be familiar with the Aesop's fable, The Boy Who Cried Wolf. It's often told by parents to teach their children the importance of not raising false alarms and of telling the truth. While the moral for children is obvious there's a moral for parents as well: after all, the boy shepherd does in fact eventually confront a wolf.

Australian MPs have threatened total Internet censorship and regulation for so long now that one is tempted to assume that the latest threats of mandatory Internet censorship are just more cries of "wolf! wolf!" But Senator Conroy is not "crying wolf." Senator Conroy is the wolf.

Senator Conroy has been dishonest, aggressive and offensive in his plan for mandatory Internet censorship.

Dishonest, because he did not disclose the mandatory nature of the plan prior to the election. It is clear however that this has always been his plan.

Aggressive, because he has not consulted the Australian public nor listened to those who have raised serious and valid concerns about the fairness and practicality of his totalitarian scheme. His staff have attempted to silence critics by pressuring their employers.

And offensive, because when people have disagreed with his plan, he has accused them of being pro-child pornography.

The Senator is wrong, and his plan for mandatory Internet censorship is also wrong. It's bad policy. It's bad tech. It's security theatre. Give the $44M to law enforcement instead. And sack Senator Conroy.

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Bulk Change of Passwords on Solaris (Repost)

Just filing this one for future use.

I needed to change the password of a large number of accounts on a Solaris box. Unfortunately, I didn't have anything rational like Expect. Also, the Solaris passwd command won't read from stdin. Probably a good thing. :-)

Here's a script that might come in handy. Should only be used on Solaris boxes, unless you grok the Linux shadow password format. But on Linux you can probably get Expect running and that would be a less... primitive way of getting the job done. The problem with this script is that it bypasses PAM so if you're using anything other than shadow files it won't work.

The code is below. If it's getting corrupted then you can also download the script.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Usage: ./ [/etc/shadow [list of account names]]

use warnings;
use strict;

# List your accounts here. Or just say @accounts = @ARGV if you
# want to list them on the command line
my $shadow_file = shift @ARGV || '/etc/shadow';
my @accounts    = @ARGV;

# Other defaults
use constant PASSWORD_LENGTH => 8;

# Doing it this way lets us make one pass over /etc/shadow and preserve
# its line order
my %new_passwords = ();
foreach my $a (@accounts) {
    $new_passwords{$a} = generate_password();

# Backup /etc/shadow
my $backup_file = $shadow_file . ".BACKUP";
system("cp -p $shadow_file $backup_file");
die "cp failed to backup $shadow_file to $backup_file"
  if ( $? != 0 );

# Re-write /etc/shadow
open( my $backup, '<', $backup_file )
  || die "open: Unable to read $backup_file ($!)\n";
open( my $shadow, '>', $shadow_file )
  || die "open: Unable to write $shadow_file ($!)\n";

process_shadow( $backup, $shadow );



# process_shadow
#   Given two file handles, read in the first file handle and copy to the second.
#   When the first file handle reads in a shadow record for a user whose password
#   we are changing, we will swap out the password and print the new password
#   on stdout.
sub process_shadow {
    my ( $backup, $shadow ) = @_;

    # Days since UNIX epoch, the time format used by Solaris in /etc/shadow
    my $last_changed = int( time() / ( 60 * 60 * 24 ) );

    # Read each line from backup, modify if the user is having their password
    # changed, and print the new password on stdout
    my $line = 0;
    while (<$backup>) {
        if (/^ ([^:]+) : ([^:]{2})/x) {
            my $user = $1;
            my $salt = generate_password(2);

            if ( defined( $new_passwords{$user} ) ) {
                print "$user,$new_passwords{$user}\n";
                my $hashed = crypt( $new_passwords{$user}, $salt );
                s/^ ([^:]+:) [^:]+ : \d+:/$1$hashed:$last_changed:/x;
            print $shadow $_;

        else {
            warn "$shadow: Unable to parse line $line\n";


# Return a new (random) password.
# Props:
sub generate_password {
    my ($length) = @_;
    $length ||= PASSWORD_LENGTH;

    my $ALLOWED =

    my $password = '';
    while ( length($password) < $length ) {
        $password .= substr( $ALLOWED, ( int( rand( length $ALLOWED ) ) ), 1 );
    return $password;

Here endeth the hackery. :-)

Postscript: The was originally filed as "Mass Change of Passwords on Solaris" 26 Oct 2008. It was re-posted 2 July 2009 because the code had become corrupted somehow.

Monday, 6 October 2008

Invalidating Page Caches in Mason

We have a number of websites that use Mason, a (relatively) old Perl library reportedly used by Amazon and Salon among other sites. It has built-in and flexible support for caching at pretty much any level the developer needs, but often the easiest thing to do is to cache the output of an entire component, which looks like this:

return if $m->cache_self(key => $key,
expires_in => '3 hours' );

What I wanted to do was invalidate the cache when the users browser had a Cache-Control or Pragma directive that indicated they did not want cached content (for example, when the user holds down the Shift key and clicks "Refresh" or "Reload").

The naive implementation does not work:

# Somewhere, $cache_ok is set to 0 if Cache-Control
# indicates no caching wanted
if ( $cache_ok ) {
return if $m->cache_self(key => $key,
expires_in => '3 hours' );

I mean, it does work for the initial request but all subsequence requests will continue to get the old cached content because the cache has not been invalidated, only skipped. The very next request for that component will get the old, cached content -- not a cached copy of the freshly calculated content.

Slightly less naive implementations didn't work either because of the way cache_self works. I was basically trying variations of "expires yesterday" but this parameter was not being consulted when Mason considered whether or not to return the cached content.

Cutting a long story short (well, not that long but kinda boring) here's how I got the page cache to be invalidated ("expired") when the user hits Shift-Refresh:

    if (  $cache_ok ) {
$m->cache_self(key => $page_cache_key, expire_if => sub { 1 }  );
} else  {
return if $m->cache_self(key =>  $page_cache_key, 
expires_in => '4 hours'  );
[... continue with component...]

The variable $cache_ok defaults to "1" but is set to "0" if no-cache is found in the Cache-Control request header (for completeness, also check the Pragma directive althought that might indicate the presence of a browser so old it wears flares).

What this code does is returns the cached content (provided it's younger than 4 hours) most of the time. But if the requesting client has indicated it does not want cached content then it invalidates Mason's copy of the cached output and then falls through to the bottom of the if block where normal. non-cached processing occurs.

Post-script: Since publishing this post I've changed and reformatted the source code slightly.